My Project is Fun

I am an artist and my project is fun
and I am going to finish what we‘ve begun
and nothing will stop me, 
to move it, to move us beyond.

Melanie’s Aria; The Swan Song; Act 3; Sophiensäle Berlin, 2012


We’ll hang it all, 
We’ll hang it fast,
As long as it’s not made to last!
We aren’t here to strike it rich, 
We’re here for good, We’ll never quit!

Duet of Patience and Diana

The Swan Song, Act 4; Raumerweiterungshalle, Berlin 2014

hidden gardens of neglect, 
congregating here and there
little islands of repair 
in a world that doesn´t care

Hilarias Aria, The Swan Song; Act 2; ausland, Berlin 2011