Samstag, 12. August 2017 Ein letztes Lesen des ganzen Stücks und gemeinsames Singen aller Lieder.
Saturday, August 12th. Reading of the whole piece and singing of all the songs with some emotion, photos by Tiger Stangl
anna schmidt photo by tiger
anne harnischmacher photo by tiger
anna schmidt photo by tiger
the band and the audience photo by tiger
the bar photo by tiger
choir and keren photo by tiger
the choir photo by tiger
the choir photo by tiger
edu photo by tiger
edu photo by tiger
the stage photo by tiger
the ferns photo by tiger
the gallery photo by tiger
willam and gerda, hobbes and melanie photo by tiger
william and gerda, hobbes and melanie photo by tiger
gili ben-zvi photo by tiger
gili ben-zvi photo by tiger
keren ida nathan photo by tiger
the band photo by tiger
uli ertl, johanna olausson photo by tiger
martin ertl, keren ida nathan, hildegard wittur and uli ertl photo by tiger
gerda klingenböck, tina-marie friedrich, liv-rolf mertz
hobbes, toto, heschel and florian
stage photo by tiger
maya weinberg, hilà lahav, anne harnischmacher, martin und ulrike ertl the bar, the band photo by tiger
chris kriegerowski talk photo by tiger
liv-rolf mertz, maya weinberg, hilà lahav photo by tiger
sabe wunsch photo by tiger
sabe wunsch photo by tiger
almost everybody photo by tiger
the band, the bar photo by tiger
chris, hilde, anne, sabe, william, gerda photo by tiger
the bar photo by tiger
the gallery singing photo by tiger
skadi sarnoch photo by tiger
martin, uli, johanna tap dancing photo by tiger
a toast to us all and them too photo by tiger
emotion and unicorn handkerchief photo by tiger
uli ertl und hilde wittur
uli ertl photo by tiger
william wheeler photo by tiger